
Frequently travelling for business across Canada (mostly West) and the U.S. (periodically), we are privileged with eating in various cities, experiencing the life of the city and through the magic of food, different cultures.

The reason for starting this site was because we can't tell you the number of times we would look on other sites to find reviews of restaurants by the general public, only to come away scratching our heads. Yes, that likely will make us sound like snobs, but hey...there really is no accounting for some people's taste.

Unlike most "reviewers", we never, ever tell the restaurant who we are, or what we are doing. This ensures that we receive no special treatment, and that the establishments aren't on their "best behavior" just because we're there. So you'll hear about the worst of the worst, the best of the best and everything from fast food to luxurious restuarants in our travels, as that is the range and diversity of our palates. Please join us on what has been one hell of a food ride thus far, as we finally unveil, without prejudice, what we really think of the food and let you decide where to eat your next meal.

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Chicago Phil's : Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

Loaded with toppings this pizza demands an empty stomach prior to consumption. The toppings fresh and the cheese plentiful. My first bite was good, however as I took a few more, something seemed to be eluding me. The pizza was good, there were tons of toppings, the crust was near perfect, however it just didn’t win the vote for the best pizza... what could it have been??? Ah yesssss, the one thing that can make or break a truly great pizza... pizza sauce, it needed a bit more. SJ, stubborn like most men can be when faced with some criticism of their favourite food...scratch that...favourite anything ... proceeded to say it wasn’t missing pizza sauce, then took it back after a few more bites and proved me entirely right. Continuing along the “you just shot my baby” routine, SJ made excuses as to why it couldn’t have more pizza sauce, because anymore sauce and the toppings would slide off. (SJ comment - What I actually said was that with this many toppings it would make the crust soggy. And I've never said it was the best pizza...just the best in Winnipeg. I've found women tend to be prone to exaggeration and selective memory, and sometimes even a woman as awesome as SC fits the mold). Now I have to admit, that could be a plausible explanation, but I wasn’t buying it...it needed a tad more pizza sauce. So as far as I was concerned this pizza although full of toppings, with a light yet crispy crust was missing sauce..end of subject. I can’t say anything more about it....just SAUCE, besides that, it was a better than average pizza. 14” stuffed full of toppings, great crust, piping hot when we picked it up... I will definitely come back to give it another shot and see if it was an off day or if, they, unfortunately, after numerous years in business, don’t have the sauce to topping ratio figured out yet... Oh and for those thin crust lovers, they offer thin crust as well. ;)

Location visited: 70 Donald Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Ambiance: Take out only
Presentation: Average
Price: $25/serving
Service: Above Average
Value: Above Average

Chicago Phil's Pizza & Panzerotti on Urbanspoon

The Meal Truth - Undercover food critics


  1. I tried this place not long after moving to Winnipeg, from Chicago... I totally agree with you about the lack of sauce, that was the first thing I noticed as well.
    True Chicago style pizza will always have lots of tasty sauce. :)

  2. I seen this place today when I went down there to pay my rent and wondered I have always wanted to try Chicago style but didn't want to buy a whole pizza just in case. Next month I think I'll give it a shot though thanks :)

  3. Chicago Phil’s pizza reviews Winnipeg MB

    Terrible the worst experience ever, bad-mannered most horrible customer service, don’t even mention the pizza my wife and I had mild food poisoning and had to return the rest of the pizza.

    Review: Don’t order from there nastiest pizza I ever had.

  4. Chicago Phil’s pizza reviews Winnipeg MB

    Terrible the worst experience ever, bad-mannered most horrible customer service, don’t even mention the pizza my wife and I had mild food poisoning and had to return the rest of the pizza.

    Review: Don’t order from there nastiest pizza I ever had.


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