
Frequently travelling for business across Canada (mostly West) and the U.S. (periodically), we are privileged with eating in various cities, experiencing the life of the city and through the magic of food, different cultures.

The reason for starting this site was because we can't tell you the number of times we would look on other sites to find reviews of restaurants by the general public, only to come away scratching our heads. Yes, that likely will make us sound like snobs, but hey...there really is no accounting for some people's taste.

Unlike most "reviewers", we never, ever tell the restaurant who we are, or what we are doing. This ensures that we receive no special treatment, and that the establishments aren't on their "best behavior" just because we're there. So you'll hear about the worst of the worst, the best of the best and everything from fast food to luxurious restuarants in our travels, as that is the range and diversity of our palates. Please join us on what has been one hell of a food ride thus far, as we finally unveil, without prejudice, what we really think of the food and let you decide where to eat your next meal.

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FoxCafe : South Beach Miami Florida

Walking down Ocean after a relaxing afternoon at the beach and looking for good place to have a great dinner, where to go? Dressed casually we walked a few blocks being stopped several times by attractive women holding menus, spouting off discounts and two for one drink specials. Finally towards the end of the jaunt we stop to take a peak at a restaurants menu as they did not seem pushy or like the rest trying to lour us in with cheap antics. The manager, we assume, explains the two for 1 drink special and we look at the menu. SJ and I having decided we would try to eat more fish decided to review the options available for seafood, this place seemed to have some good options available so we decide to stay for dinner. Our waiter, a young argentian man drops by to explain the drink special and how it works.

Let me take a moment to explain a few things,
1) The drink special is per person, so unless you are looking to drink two HUGE drinks, don't be fooled...however, you can take them to go. SJ and I figured we would just consume them and people watch, so it wasn't a big deal for us...
2) Prices were not on the drink menu, now this seemed a bit sketchy for us, as it seemed almost as if the prices for the drinks we negotiable depending on how liquid your finances seemed, and in fact, we did get two prices, at first the cost was $22, then $19 as our waiter explained he had made a mistake.
3) The waiter never mentioned the cost of the specials, just what they were, and how they were prepared. SO BEWARE, DO NOT BLINDLY ORDER without first knowing the cost of what you are getting, for both drinks and meals.... The Internet is full of comments from people who visited restaurants on South Beach and felt they got scammed...SO ALWAYS ASK. 
Having travelled around a lot we tend to notice when to be cautious, so SJ and I made sure to enquire the cost prior to ordering anything..Tip 1) if a restaurant tells you the specials but doesn't mention the price, ASK.

I digress, having decided we would step outside of our comfort zones and continue to try to fish entrĂ©es we explain to our waiter that we are not, by any means, fish lovers, and if he could suggest a light fish to eat. He recommended the Chilean Sea Bass and the Red Snapper both of which we order. The Chilean Sea Bass was light and tasted amazing. With the consistency of scallops, this fish was buttery and smooth to eat. The portion adequate, not big nor small, a good size in my opinion, and was accompanied with a few mussels and shrimp. The Red Snapper, accompanied with a coconut cream shrimp sauce, was equally impressive. The sauce for the most part was not overpowering and came with several shrimp. The Red Snapper however had a slight fish like taste on the ends of the fillet, however, still very appetizing as the sauce offset what little fish taste there was...  All in all two very good choices by our waiter.

After having devoured our dishes and the two GINOURMOUS drinks we were ready to leave, the atmosphere was good, the dinner excellent and the service great. So upon requesting our bill the waiter dropped by with a drink on the house. Yet another huge drink for us to share...this time it was a drink the waiter thought we would enjoy, called a cia pirinha. This drink was great! The alcohol however, was very present... This having been an equivalent to our 5th drink each we decided to finish it off and stumble back to the hotel.

Now other reviews will say they felt ripped off and scammed. I can't say either of us felt this way. The meal was great, the drinks, being comparable to the size of two for the price of $19 each (so in our opinions the equivalent to two normal sized drinks) the service great and the ambiance superb.

We both would highly recommend visiting this restaurant.

The Meal Truth - Undercover food critics
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