
Frequently travelling for business across Canada (mostly West) and the U.S. (periodically), we are privileged with eating in various cities, experiencing the life of the city and through the magic of food, different cultures.

The reason for starting this site was because we can't tell you the number of times we would look on other sites to find reviews of restaurants by the general public, only to come away scratching our heads. Yes, that likely will make us sound like snobs, but hey...there really is no accounting for some people's taste.

Unlike most "reviewers", we never, ever tell the restaurant who we are, or what we are doing. This ensures that we receive no special treatment, and that the establishments aren't on their "best behavior" just because we're there. So you'll hear about the worst of the worst, the best of the best and everything from fast food to luxurious restuarants in our travels, as that is the range and diversity of our palates. Please join us on what has been one hell of a food ride thus far, as we finally unveil, without prejudice, what we really think of the food and let you decide where to eat your next meal.

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And so it begins...

Frequently travelling across Canada and the U.S., we are privileged with eating in various cities, experiencing the life of the city and through the magic of food, different cultures. We have truly seen it all. This blog was started because we got tired of people who wrote amazing reviews of restaurants only to find out, they did so because they were biased, had no accounting for taste, or the experience they spoke of was sadly not the norm. So as “ undercover food critics”, we will give you the REAL skinny on these places, from price, ambiance, value, presentation, service and overall experience; everything you need to know what you’re getting. We NEVER inform the establishment that we are coming, and we feel this lends itself to a true “man on the street” dining experience.

You’ll hear about the best of the best and the worst of the worst. So join us on what has been one hell of a food ride thus far, as we finally unveil, without prejudice, what we really think of the food and let you decide where to eat your next meal.

The Meal Truth - Undercover food critics

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